Welcome Home Handsome

Welcome Home Handsome


Monday, September 2, 2013

We have orders!!

My goodness, after nearly 6 years here at Fort Carson I never thought we'd see the day where we would finally have orders to PCS.  But we do!!  My husband came down on orders the beginning of July for Fort Campbell, KY!  I can't even begin to describe my excitement to you all!  I am beside myself!

Some of you may know, though, that we were trying to get a compassionate reassignment for Fort Lewis, WA due to my dad's health conditions.  But I suppose the big man upstairs had other plans.  And thankfully, my daddy is progressing in his recovery, though 100% disabled  and unable to work again.  Fort Campbell has always been high on our "wish" list, but did we think we'd ever actually get to go there?  This is the Army of course, haha....so no, we didn't.

Though we will now be roughly 35 hours from "home" I think we will find ourselves right where we were meant to be.  Nate and I are both, down to earth "country folk".  We like the small town, southern hospitality, and all things that come along with living in the south.  Aside from that though, we'll only be around 6 hours drive to my best friend, and still a days drive away from my sister and brother in law.  On top of that, we'll only be 45 minutes away from NASHVILLE!!  Oh yeah, that's right, country music central!  Can I get a "hell yeah"?!

When Nate enlisted in 2007, I had high expectations of moving around the country and getting to see and do things I might not otherwise be able to do.  Little did I know at the time that it wouldn't really work out that way.  Beings we've been here at Fort Carson for over half a decade now.  We were filled with so much excitement when he discovered he had orders for Campbell.

This last weekend we drove to Kansas (near Fort Riley) to visit my sister and brother in law.  And while I've been in humid area's of the country before, I really got a good taste of what we're in for.  But you know what, that's OKAY!  While I was sticky most of the time I was there, I embraced it.  We went to the zoo with all 4 of the kiddos (did I mention my adorable nephew?).  It was HOT!  Reallllllly hot.  I was drenched in sweat,. Imagine sitting in a sauna and the sweat is dripping off of every part of your body (gross right?).  Well, that was me.  But I just laughed it off.  I've got to get used to this, right?  However, I will say that I didn't itch once while I was there.  I never even needed to apply oil or body cream or anything.  And I have naturally dry skin.  It was kind of amazing.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is, while I really don't care for the humid climates all that well, I will survive the summers of the south.  And hey, maybe I'll finally be able to lose some of the extra weight I've been carrying around.  Because I'll be drinking like 15 gallons of water a day (okay maybe not that much. ;)   But you get my drift.

So what I am looking forward to?

  • Actually being able to enjoy Autumn.  I haven't been able to experience the fall season in over 6 years.  Fall is my favorite season of the year.  Since we've moved to Colorado summer has been my favorite season because it's the only time we get some sort of heat around here.  Although, even that is hit and miss with all of the rain we get here.  When it rains here the temps drop about 20 degrees and it's cold...you can't even enjoy the rain.
  • Southern hospitality. Need I say more?
  • Being super duper close to my best friend, being able to watch my Niece grow up (because we'll likely be there for some time before we PCS again).  
  • Green.  Green grass, green trees, TREES!  Omg, I can't wait to start growing food, planting insane amounts of outdoor plants and flowers.
  • Outdoor activities year round!
  • No snow!  Okay well virtually no snow.  Coming from where I grew up and from Colorado, it'll be nice to have mild winters without snow, bitter cold winds and the similar.  I don't do cold.  My kids don't even like it haha!
  • Country music!
  • Honky Tonks (provided we can get a babysitter on occasion).
  • Being part of the 101st Airborne Division family <3 li="">
  • Meeting new people, seeing new things, experiences new things.

My list goes on.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't a nervous wreck though.  Moving is nerve wracking.  My anxiety is high.  Will we get a house before Nate leaves for school?  Will we clear housing here without ending up in the poor house?  Will we have enough funds to move and temporarily live in a hotel?  Will we have enough room for all of the things we aren't letting the movers take?  And good golly....are we gonna get good movers or is our stuff going to get severely damaged enroute? How will Wyatt do transferring to a new school where he doesn't know anyone?  Will I even be able to get him back into school right away?  And on and on and on... My dad always called me a worry wart while I was growing up.  I guess he was right. :/

All these aside though, I'm just thrilled!  I can't wait to get there and get settled in and start our new journey in this Army life.